Overtime the Library will grow. We start our collection with donations from those who have visited or held seminars with the Klasse. Further books will be added in good time.
The Book of Signs, Rudolf Koch, 1955
Illustrierte Akademie-Zeitung, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, 1969
How to Read Donald Duck, Ariel Dorfmann and Armand Mattelart, 1971
Interfunktionen, Heft 4, Friedrich Wolfram Heubach, 1970
Bilder in der Zeitung: Journalistische Fotografie 1949–1999, Christian-Matthias Pohlert, 1999
Artists’ Magazines: An Alternative Space for Art, Gwen Allen, 2011
Interfunktionen, Heft 8, Friedrich Wolfram Heubach, 1972
Interfunktionen, Heft 6, Friedrich Wolfram Heubach, 1971
Grid Systems in Graphic Design, Josef Müller-Brockmann, 2017
Marcel Broodthaers Collected Writings, Gloria Moure, 2012
Things Worth Seeing, A guide to the city of W, William Firebrace, 1999
Europa – An Illustrated Introduction to Europe for Migrants and Refugees, Jessica Murray, Alia Malek and Thomas Dvorak, 2016
Kommentiertes Werkverzeichnis der Bücher von Martin Kippenberger 1977–1997, Uwe Koch, 2002
Extra art: A Survey of Artists’ Ephemera 1960–1999, Stephen Leiber, 2001
Anfang gut. Alles gut., Eva Birkenstock, Nina Köller and Kerstin Stakemeier, 2012
Island, Caruso St John and Marcus Taylor, 2018
The origin of the Serif, Edward M. Catich, 1991
In Girum Imus Nocte et Consumimur igni: The Situationist International (1957–1972), Stefan Zweifel, Juri Steiner and Heinz Stahlhut, 2006
Gay Semiotics: A Photographic Study of Visual Coding Among Homosexual Men, Hal Fischer, 2015
Going, In Case There’s a Reason, The Theatre of Mistakes, Raven Row, 2017
Paul Renner: The Art of Typography, Christopher Burke, 1998
‘Let’s Take Back our Space’, Marianne Wex, 1979
AA Files 74, ed. by Tom Weaver, 297 x 245 mm, 204pp. Architectural Association, 2017
AA Files 73, ed. by Tom Weaver, 297 x 245 mm, 172pp. Architectural Association, 2017
F.R. David – Inverted Commas, Will Holder, 2017
The Artist’s Institute, Carolee’s Magazine, Carolee Schneemann, 314 × 241 mm, 200 pp, The Artist’s Institute and Koenig Books, Fall 2016
Parrot Problems, Helen Marten, Koenig Books, 305 x 235mm, 236pp., 2016
F.R. David – This is not new, of course, Will Holder, 2012
Bulletins of The Serving Library #8, ed. by Stuart Bailey, Angie Keefer, David Reinfurt, 2014
AA Files 71, ed. Tom Weaver, 297 x 245 mm, 160pp. Architectural Association, 2015
F.R. David – Spin Cycle, Will Holder, 2011
Dot Dot Dot 12, ed. by Stuart Bailey and Peter Bilak, 2006
AA Files 72, ed. Tom Weaver, 297 x 245 mm, 176pp. Architectural Association, 2016
Control, issue Nineteen, ed. by Stephen Willats, 305 x 245mm, 32pp., 2014
Bulletins of The Serving Library #6, ed. Stuart Bailey, Angie Keefer, David Reinfurt, 2013
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Art by Gareth Jones, Four Corners Books, 350 x 285mm, 128pp., 2007
F.R. David – All Distinctions are mind, by mind, of mind, Will Holder, 2014
F.R. David – Dear, Will Holder, 2016
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, a work by Fiona Banner, 325 x 245mm, 312pp. Four Corners Books, 2015
The Artist’s Institute, Pierre’s Magazine, Pierre Huyghe, 314 × 241 mm, 212 pp, The Artist’s Institute and Koenig Books Winter, 2015
Bulletins of The Serving Library #7, ed. by Stuart Bailey, Angie Keefer, David Reinfurt, 2014
Larry Johnson, Commie Pinko Guy, ed. by Bruce Hainley, 224 x 150mm, 208pp. Raven Row and Koenig Books, 2015
The Nose, Nikolai Gogol, 195 x 135 mm, 96pp. Four Corners Books, 2015
Studio International, ed. by Jo Melvin, 305 x 238mm, 132pp. Raven Row, 2015
Never Modern, Irenee Scalbert, 6a architects, 176pp. Park Books, 2013
Adhocism, The Case for Improvisation, Charles Jencks and Nathan Silver, 2013
Figures of Speech or Figures of Thought? The Traditional View of Art, Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, 1946
Envisioning Information, Eduard R. Tufte, 1983
Exercises In Style, Raymond Queneau, 1947
Fraktur, Form und Geschichte der gebrochenen Schriften, Albert Kap, 1993
Introspective, Richard Hamilton, 2019
Kunst und Ideologiekritik nach 1989, 2013
Active literature, Jan Tschichold and New Typography, Christopher Burke, 2008
The Century of Artists’ Books, Johanna Drucker, 1995
Lesbar, Typografie in der Wissensvermittlung, Ulrike Borinski, Rudolf Paulus Gorbach, 2019
All That Is Solid Melts Into Air, The Experience Of Modernity, Marshall Berman, 1982
What is a designer, Norman Potter, 1980
Publishing as Artistic Practice, Annette Gilbert (ED.), 2016
The Rings of Saturn, W.G. Sebald, 1998
Subtext: Typedesign zeitgenössisch–lokal: … , Andreas Pawlik, 2017
The Invention of Morel, Adolfo Bioy Casares, 1940
The Noonday Demon, An Atlas of Depression, Andrew Solomon, 2001
Klasse John Morgan
Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Eiskellerstraße 1
Raum 106
Klasse John Morgan
Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Eiskellerstraße 1
Raum 106